Our Location
Petersfield, GU32 3HA
Give us a Call
01730 352212
Clinic Appointment Times
Mon - Saturday: 8AM - 7PM

Applied KinesiologyThe International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) is an organisation whose main purpose is to improve and expand the scientific use of Applied Kinesiology in determining the cause of health problems. The organisation is open to all those who have completed an appropriate course of study in their chosen field and are licenced to practice by their regulators; consisting of medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, dentists and other professions allied to healthcare.

What is Applied Kinesiology?

Applied Kinesiology is a diagnostic approach using the manual muscle test to measure the motor response of the Central Nervous System to a sensory challenge.

Applied Kinesiology

Malfunction of any one of these can cause muscle weakness.

  • N – A nerve
  • NL – A lymphatic vessel
  • NV – A blood vessel
  • CSF – Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • AMC – An Acupuncture meridian connector

Applied Kinesiology is based on the idea that muscle dysfunction or pain can be caused by a number of internal triggers. Some of these triggers may be obvious, like an injury or nerve entrapment. However, some of these triggers may be more difficult to detect. Exposure to toxic substances, anxiety and depression, nutritional deficiencies and food sensitivities, may all be related to muscle weakness and dysfunctional internal organs.

Stress is a common factor which may cause hormone imbalances in both men and women. Symptoms from hormone imbalances can cause anything from mood and energy changes to hot flushes, period pains or going to the toilet in the middle of the night. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, don’t delay make this day one of your journey BACK to YOU. Call us and book an appointment.

Based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, AK practitioners believe that diseases or dysfunctions within the body are related to imbalances in the body’s vital energy. These imbalances in the meridian system can be detected with manual muscle testing.

By identifying areas of muscle weakness, a healthcare practitioner using Applied Kinesiology can locate the source of the muscle weakness and develop a treatment plan to address this underlying cause of the disease or disorder.

Finding the Problem

Following on from your full case history which is taken on your first visit to the clinic, we then combine this information to help and aid in further diagnostics of your body function. This will lead to further physical examinations, which may include investigations such as urine or blood tests. By combining these findings with muscle testing, we develop a unique insight into the cause(s) of your problem.

Resolving the Problem

With an understanding of your problem, we select from a variety of healing modalities, which may include:

  • Chiropractic adjustment
  • Joint mobilisation
  • Acupuncture meridian therapy
  • Nutritional supplementation*
  • Craniosacral techniques
  • Muscle rehabilitation

*Orthomolecular Medicine (OM)

Orthomolecular medicine may be defined as the therapeutic use of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and other substances which occur in the living organism. Your AK Practitioner uses OM to assess and diagnose for any nutritional supplementation which may be beneficial for the patient.

“Your remedies shall be your foods and your foods shall be your remedies” (Hippocrates)

 The goal of OM is the prevention and the cure of disease but also the achievement of longevity with optimal function and performance. AK is a perfect diagnostic tool to assist in the achievement of these goals.

How does it benefit a patient?

  • To determine the individual need for specific orthomolecular substances.
  • To determine possible antagonists/synergistic substances.
  • To identify individual intolerances to orthomolecular products.
  • To demonstrate direct pain alleviation with specifically indicated orthomolecular substances.